Fred A. Townsend, III
A member of the bars of the State of Delaware and United States District Court since 1990, Fred is a lifelong Delaware resident with deep roots in Kent and Sussex Counties. He is a graduate of St. Andrews School, the University of Delaware and Delaware Law School of Widener University.
Fred is former House Caucus attorney (1990 -1993), and served as the Deputy Insurance Commissioner from 1993 -1999. Returning to private practice in 2000, Fred’s primary areas of practice have been real estate and land use law, insurance regulation, and municipal law.
He has served at the President Pro Tem’s appointee to the Delaware Health Care Commission and currently serves as the House Speaker’s appointee to the Highmark BCBS Blueprints for the Community Advisory Council which evaluates grant applications with the goal of addressing the health care needs of Delaware’s uninsured, underserved and low-income families.
Since its creation by statute in 2013, Fred has served as the Delaware’s Ratepayer Advocate, a party to workers compensation rate filings whose charge it is to ensure that rates are not unfair to the businesses that pay them.
Fred is a former Kent County Levy Court attorney and currently represents its Board of Adjustments. He is the solicitor for a number of towns in all three counties. His practice is focused on real estate law in Kent and Sussex counties which often includes corporate and land use matters.
Fred resides with his wife, Carrie and son, Rick in Rehoboth Beach.