Over 20 years in law field, London Law Firm has been helping and supporting individuals and organizations to win and get over the tough cases.

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We Solve Even The MostDifficult Questions!
Pushing your case done is what we are responsible for.
EB-5 Legislation PendingThe Congress is now considering extending the overseas investor EB-5 program which is scheduled to expire before...
Personal Injury Case SettledIn a recent case, settlement was reached in an auto vs. auto accident in which a 55 year old man was broad-sided in...
3 Year Old Injured In RestaurantA family went to dinner in a restaurant which had a game room for children to play. Their 3 year old daughter was...

Our Lawyers Have Their Own Story Behind!
After a big case done, I have a habit of traveling cause I’ve always dreamed of traveling around the world when I’m adult.At the end of this year, I will travel to South Africa, I signed up for a voluntary activity there, but I need to finish my case now first, I hope I can close it soon so I will not miss this journey. Besides traveling, I also like reading books or just laying down relax all day. I like the detective novel, especially Sherlock Holmes.Actually, just for fun but I think I'm also a detective in real life.Kellan DustCUSTOMER
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